One to One Support
Relationship breakdown between parents is sadly very much a reality in our lives today. It is one of the most painful moments in the history of a family.
The relationship with your partner may be over, but your relationship and role as parent to your children is a separate issue to that of your relationship with your partner.
What is needed now is a new way of parenting after the breakdown of your relationship with your partner.
We believe that it is not so much the separation in itself that affects children, but how it is managed in relation to parental conflict and communication during and in the aftermath of separation. Our research shows that it is continuous conflict that harms children most.
Your children’s adjustment to separation /divorce depends on how well you as parents manage it. This gives you as parents choice in how well your children will adjust to this new family arrangement.
While recognising that we may not be able to keep the family unit intact, it is imperative that we help our children through this sad stressful transition.

We all want what is best for our children. The difficult, but essential task now for divorced parents is to put their personal issues to one side and to find ways to work together in the role of raising their children.
How do you parent cooperatively with someone from whom you are disconnecting, with all the hurt, pain and anger that inevitably comes with it? This remains the biggest challenge for most parents who are in the process of marriage breakdown.
In order to give children what is ‘best’ for them, we need to acknowledge that
Children need and want both parents in their lives.
Children want parents to stop fighting.
Children want to feel free to love both parents without having to feel the need to take sides.
Children do not want to act as messenger between parents.
Children do not want to listen to criticism of their parents.
Children want to be free to be children, and not be burdened with the relationship difficulties of parents.
Children in the Middle is a world recognised Parenting Education Programme specialising in providing effective tools for separated, divorced or never-married parents.
Separation Support
If your family is experiencing separation or divorce and you would like to get support through the situation.
Please contact Frances